
Fahbooluss, dahling.

What's this, you say? Why, another blogpost from Danielle? In the same day?? WHAT'S THE WORLD COMING TO??!

I just realized that I haven't shared my new haircut with y'all. Here she blows:
I think I've met the cute quota, if I do say so myself (anyone seen The Handsome Men's Club?)

But that's not even half the fun, my friends. Ohhhhh hoh hoh no. To get to this step in cutenessicity it takes about my own weight in hair product, so you can imagine what happens when it marinates on my head all night. If you can't, here's some visual aids:
(please excuse the morning grossness)
...yeah. Nothing says "foxy" like the uni-bang

This was my first encounter with the unruly creature that decided to live on my head. I think it's probably nocturnal.
Natural Mohawk - eat your hearts out, goth posers.

Me looking like a boy. Apparently it's not very difficult now, lol.
Believe it or not, this is actually my I-don't-want-to-be-awake face, not my GQ-come-hither face.

I keep Eddie Scissorhands on as my personal stylist.

The lovechild of a mohawk and a mullet - mullocks? Mollet?

I hope that I haven't overwhelmed you with my fabulousity. Don't worry, the weak knees and the heavenly music wear off eventually.

later skaters.


Meagan said...

You seriously look GORGEOUS! I absolutely love the new hair cut! I think you have found the true you!!! I definitely got a kick out of the wake-up hair styles. You better be careful when you get back to Idaho. All of the boys are going to stalk you!

Becky Dayton said...

You know I love your hair. So many fun hairstyles! You're giving Edward Cullen a run for his money as far as awesome hair goes. Te he. I prefer the GQ look!

Curt and Valerie said...


It was fun to see your new posts. You look beeeautiful! Your hair stylist (the pillow) is delux.