
You remind me of the babe...

Being a music major is STRANGE - fun, interesting, but strange.

Aside from people prancing around the Snow building in be-sequined outfits, tiny girls yowling opera at the top of their lungs, gangly 18 year old boys huddled together in a shady corner discussing the proper sequence to resolve a german augmented chord, and a cellist and a tuba player holding rehearsal in the elevator, the Snow building is quite... shall we say, unique.

Given the fact that it's Summer in Rexburg, I pretty much have the WHOLE building to myself. This is way cool, but a little creepy. I've taken the chance to explore the hidden areas of the building, and I have to say, I feel a little like I got sucked into the 80's movie Labyrinth. The hallways have no rhyme or reason, there are staircases that go nowhere, and I may be wrong here, but I think I saw David Bowie skulking around in the dressing room, putting on more eyeliner (if that's possible...). It's been good though, 'cause no goblins have stolen my baby brother, and I've been able to practice on the concert stage where the acoustics are choice.

1 comment:

Curt and Valerie said...

Your story reminds me of the time when Aunt Nut was exploring the Fine Arts Building @ BYU and found the door to the roof - and oops got stuck up on the roof because the door locked behind her. WATCH OUT for those self locking doors :)